Source of Energy

Carbohydrates are the major energy suppliers in the human body. It is a kind of organic food are soluble in organic solvents due to the presence of many covalent bonds between the elements C, H, and O. So the general chemical formula for carbohydrates is written as C6H12O6] n, n is the number of repeating units. In the words of the daily, the carbohydrate is sugar.  

However, in terms of biochemistry, carbohydrate is sucrose, maltose, glucose, fructose, etc.. There are distinguished by the number of carbohydrate carbon in a repeat unit (repeating units called monomers). For example, triose pentosa and each had 5 and 3 carbon atoms. Just a few common types of carbohydrates in the diet and nutrition focused us, sucrose, fructose, etc.. All the sugar must be digested in the human digestive system to be the smallest unit of glucose to be absorbed into the cells.  

Thus, the lack of glucose in the blood means that a person does not have enough energy to continue the process in the body. Consequently, the individual will faint and collapsed. Rice, bread, and wheat are the main source of carbohydrates.

Lipids are fats that are necessary to protect our bodies. It serves as an insulator under the skin to protect the body from the cold. It also acts as a lubricant to prevent friction between the moving organ. Lipids are also an important component in forming cell membranes.  

In addition, fat is the latest energy supplier when the lack of carbohydrate or protein to provide energy to the body. So, everyone needs to stay alive lipids and facilitate the process in the body. However, excessive intake of fat will continue to be obese meyebabkan someone because they are not used when other energy providers are still there. The body will store fat under the skin, such as thighs, stomach, and the parts that are less active. Lipids can be extracted from meat, beans, and vegetables.


Protein is an important resource in building body muscles. It is an important element of the growth from childhood to adulthood. Proteins are usually taken from meat such as chicken, beef, fish, soy, etc..  

Normally, muscles will suffer damage and breakage when a run of sports, so the muscle has to be improved by adding a layer of protein on the muscle that is damaged. So, the muscles in your body look great.